About Us
Alternatives, Inc. is a nonprofit that works to build trust and collaboration. Using a justice program model, we aim to create holistic, creative, and measurable approaches for change. Our programs address the needs of otherwise marginalized and disenfranchised persons by helping them attain equitable standing in their communities. Established in 2001 and receiving 501(c)(3) status in 2003, Alternatives has impacted 1,000 of our Minnesota youth.

To re-establish an overall sense of community including strengthening
community and police relations.
To bridge all gaps that exist for those on the margins of our society by creating a collaborative environment for service providers.
To address COVID-19 related issues pertaining to our survival and growth services.

Community Services
Alternatives is a leading advocacy, support, and social services conduit within communities throughout the state of Minnesota.
Our community services provides training for youth and adults, such as job seeking skills, language skill training, and other career support.